One in 10 people has dyslexia. On average, children with dyslexia aren’t diagnosed until the third grade, after falling behind their peers. The Donegan Burns Foundation is an organization that helps schools, afterschool programs and children’s organizations provide appropriate instruction to prevent and close these gaps. The foundation has selected the Fast ForWord® program from Scientific Learning Corp.
The discovery of neuroplasticity, that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains,
even into old age, is the most important breakthrough in our understanding of the brain in four hundred years.
Dr. Norman Doidge introduces principles we can all use to overcome a number of brain limitations and explores the profound brain implications of the changing brain in an immensely moving book that will permanently alter the way we look at human possibility and human nature.
We have a webinar with Norman Doidge on the 2nd October 2013. This promises to be a very intereresting session reviewing the material that Norman covers in "The Brain That Changes Itself" and his updated information since its publication.
“Doidge turns everything we thought we knew about the brain upside down.”
“Doidge... is a master ... at explaining science to the rest of us. Doidge is the best possible guide. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to read it, just curious about your brain. Buy this book. Your brain will thank you.”
Scientists postulate that some children’s brains may be inefficient for learning language, but very efficient for certain other aspects of learning—perhaps visual processing or even aspects of sound processing important for musical learning. What might cause differences in brain oscillation patterns is largely unknown and open to speculation, but for parents and teachers who work with struggling learners, the question to ask is:
Does remediation of the brain wave patterns improve language skills in children with language problems?
A study published in January 2013, addressed that question and found that the answer is “yes”.
Every educator knows that students benefit from extra reading practice, especially when it is combined with immediate feedback and support from a teacher. With Reading Assistant students receive individualized reading coaching every time they use the software, making the most of each instructional minute.
Every educator knows that students benefit from extra reading practice, especially when it is combined with immediate feedback and support from a teacher. With Reading Assistant students receive individualized reading coaching every time they use the software, making the most of each instructional minute.
A Reading Tutor for Every Learner.....Reading Assistant is a great learning tool.
With Reading Assistant students receive individualized reading coaching every time they use the software, making the most of each instructional minute.
Reading Assistant is the only reading program that “listens” to students as they read out loud, intervenes when students falter, and automatically scores students’ oral reading. No other program or e-book provides comparable real-time guidance and feedback.
The online Reading Assistant program delivers:
Help When Students Need It: Patented technology provides real-time corrective feedback via speech recognition, enabling students to self-correct as they are reading aloud
Time Savings for Teachers: Automatic calculation of words correct per minute (WCPM) and immediate access to comprehension and vocabulary reports make tracking students’ progress effortless
Increased Student Engagement: Reading selections for a variety of interests and reading levels, plus frequent comprehension checks, keep students motivated and focused on reading for meaning
Anytime, Anywhere Access: The Reading Assistant program on the MySciLEARNTMplatform makes the software easy to implement for school or home use