At the invitation of the International Neuropsychological Society, Scientific Learning Corp co-founder, Paula Tallal, presented a continuing education workshop aimed at demonstrating the company's award-winning Fast ForWord® family of reading-intervention products at the Society's mid-year meeting in Zurich, Switzerland.
Dr. Tallal presented a workshop that explained how the Fast ForWord products, which use patented technology to improve literacy, were designed based on over 30 years of research findings from human and animal research. The course also reviewed the laboratory, clinical, and school-based efficacy trials of Fast ForWord training in K-12 students. In addition, Dr. Tallal demonstrated the individual exercises that comprise the products' curriculum, which was a unique opportunity.
"This was the first time we've been invited to demonstrate the Fast ForWord products at a major international scientific meeting of this caliber, which represents a significant achievement for Scientific Learning," said Dr. Tallal. "The meeting organizers indicated to me that the members of the International Neuropsychological Society were excited about the research, as well as the clinical and educational potential of our Fast ForWord products, and were very interested in learning more about them and seeing them in action."
Dr. Tallal had previously presented the research behind the Fast ForWord software as one of three invited speakers at the prestigious 2005 Presidential Symposium, part of the Society for Neuroscience's annual meeting. More than 30,000 scientists attended this meeting. Dr. Tallal presented her life's work exploring the neuroscience behind language, reading and learning and the creation of the Fast ForWord products.
"We were honored to have the International Neuropsychological Society invite Dr. Tallal to present the Fast ForWord products to the worldwide neuropsychology community," said Robert C. Bowen, Chairman and CEO of Scientific Learning. "Coupled with Dr. Tallal's presentation at the Society for Neuroscience last year, it's clear that her groundbreaking research and its real-life application, the Fast ForWord family of products, are attracting attention and recognition from scientific communities around the world. This research demonstrates that the Fast ForWord software has proven to be extremely effective in improving the cognitive skills fundamental to building learning capacity and improving academic achievement."
Dr. Tallal's workshop was conducted on July 26th as part of the International Neuropsychological Society's mid-year meeting, held July 26-29 in Zurich, Switzerland. Approximately 1,000 neuroscientists attended the four-day event.
About Dr. Paula A. Tallal
Paula Tallal, Ph.D., is a world-renowned authority and leading researcher in language and literacy development. She is a cognitive neuroscientist and board-certified clinical psychologist who has authored over 200 professional publications, holds several patents, and recently earned the Thomas Alva Edison Patent Prize for her work leading to the development of Fast ForWord.
Dr. Tallal is a Board of Governor's professor of neuroscience at Rutgers University in Newark, N.J., where she helped found (and currently co-directs) the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience. She is an active participant in many scientific advisory boards and has served on governmental committees for both developmental language disorders and learning disabilities. Dr. Tallal received her bachelor's degree from NYU and her Ph.D. from Cambridge, and did additional research training at The Johns Hopkins University. She has also held academic positions at the University of California at San Diego, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
In 1996, Dr. Tallal co-founded Scientific Learning Corporation, developer of the patented family of Fast ForWord software products. She still serves on the company's board of directors.
About the International Neuropsychological Society
Founded in 1967, the International Neuropsychological Society is dedicated to promoting the international and interdisciplinary study of brain-behavioral relationships, with an emphasis on science, education, and the applications of scientific knowledge. The Society currently has more than 4,500 members throughout the world.
About Scientific Learning Corporation
Scientific Learning produces the patented Fast ForWord® family of products, a series of computer-delivered reading intervention products that build learning capacity by developing the neurocognitive skills required to read and learn effectively. These foundational skills are built through a series of brain-based exercises that create fast, effective, and enduring results. Based on more than 30 years of neuroscience and cognitive research, the Fast ForWord products use patented technology and applications of accepted neuroscience principles to help children, adolescents, and adults build the language and reading skills widely recognized as the keys to all learning.
The exercises align with the scientifically based reading-research guidelines and the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act. The efficacy of the products has been confirmed by independent researchers, by evaluating the results of standardized achievement tests, and by Scientific Learning's scientists.
For more information about Scientific Learning, Neuron Learning and its products, visit Web sites at and, or call +44 207 100 9293.