We are often asked about our research, a fair question (even by people who do no research on their own methods) and Scientific Learning is excellent in ensuring valid and comprehensive analaysis of the effectiveness of the products.
Here is a good reply by Geoff Nixon of Westchesterlearning.com to a question on research on Tools for Learning, a forum for Fast ForWord professionals.
"The reason you will not get a lot of response about these studies is that as providors we are over the whole does-it-really-
There are two big problems with FFW in trials.
First, protocols really matter -- brain change requires intensity. providors and most schools achieve this and get results to match. but if you want to "prove" FFW doesn't work, just allow lax protocols, and bingo the results won't match. the Princeton study seems to be the best example of this - -Google it comes up as FFW-ineffective" but Gillam also did not allow for interventions
when a kid was in trouble which as we all know is a ridiculous, planned failure, restraint. but even then Gillam's result was FFW was as good as an hour of one-on-one training each day.
Second, FFW brain change precedes reading gains. so to truly post-test FFW you need time to pass after the brain change has occured so the student can use the new brain wiring to pick up on reading. if you want to prove FFW doesn't work just post-test immediately as if FFW was an instructional program.
Long story short, because of these two factors FFW is vulnerable to bad outcomes in trials for subtle reasons that the un-trained would not pick up on.
One provider told me she has had success 460 times out of 460. we started last year and out of 60 completes or near completes we are batting 58 out of 60, with 30 verging on miraculous and without doubt life changing for the kid and the family, and the 2 "misses"
having possible protocol issues and psychological issues that came out after we started. so we, like most others on this board, don't need trial results anymore to tell us if this works or not."
Fair comment and I would endorse them, the results that we get with kids and just great and away above expectations.