We were delighted to see these results. Its for an adult learner. Note how the comprehension has improved even though the vocabulary has not appeared to move. The reading scores have improved also. Many things kick in not least speed of processing but also knowledge, fluency and language structures
Most recent assessment (initial assessment)
Phonologial Awareness 79% (64%)
Decoding 63% (55%)
Vocabulary 73% (73%)
Comprehension 78% (61%)
Overall Reading Level Percentile 31 (11)
Reading Age Equivalent 8.5 years (7.4 years)
Gain 1.1 years
New RPI dated 11/11/08
Old RPI dated 16/09/08
Programme Literacy
Days participated on programme 40
Calendar days 56
Completed 90%
Attendance 100%
Participation 100%
Excellent results and great participation by the student