Time is running out for children that have profound disabilities, a statement of Special Educational Needs (dyslexia, adhd, add, autism, aspergers, dyspraxia, auditory processing deficit, APD, and so on..) or face challenges using computers and getting online to get hold of a free computer, internet access and bespoke Assistive Technology. If they are from a low-income family and receive certain benefits they could qualify for their own personalised Home Access package with Assistive Technology.
They could be a child you teach, someone you provide support for or even a family friend. But whoever they are, we're really keen that they know about this fantastic opportunity and can take advantage if they're eligible.
Take a look at http://www.homeaccess.org.uk/ to learn more about eligibility, what's on offer and how to apply. We can't stress too strongly how crucial it is to take advantage of this opportunity before availability runs out. Already more than 6,000 children have benefited from the programme, please do all you can to ensure that thousands more get the chance to do so as well by spreading the word.